Hello Product Science customers and community,
We are bringing you the company's latest updates. Included are highlights from our product team, industry insights, and customer wins.
The TL;DR :)
October was another busy month for the Product Science team distributed around the world. We put all of our focus behind the development and release of new crucial capability - video recording of the app synchronized with trace. Our team also attended and spoke at the London edition of droidcon to meet and demo new capabilities directly with the developer community.
Product update
Working with traces is hard and can be overwhelming as you need to navigate through hundreds of thousands of executed functions displayed on a timeline.
At Product Science we believe that performance optimization should be simple and welcome to engineers of all levels. That’s why we are developing tools that allow to eliminate unnecessary noise in traces and focus on things that are important:
- Our AI powered plugin instruments the code without any manual input required. Offers an ability to analyze the stack related to your code’s execution in response to a user action. Filters out the noise and captures only functions that might be important for key user flows of your app.
- The Execution Path functionality allows you to easily find how the function was called so you can quickly navigate the multi-threaded environment to the root cause of the performance issues.
- And with the new Video synced with trace feature you will be able to see what’s happening on the phone screen at every point of the recorded trace.
Video synced with trace feature allows you to:
- quickly find the beginning and end of user flows
- see the user actions
- visually identify performance opportunities (like jitteriness, lags and long network requests)
- visually identify when the screen was updated
Seeing how your application functions in real life provides valuable context that helps to understand what’s happening - even when the code is hard to follow.

How it changes the performance optimization workflow:
This feature allows you to easily visually identify the issue without looking at the trace and pinpoint the lag in seconds instead of searching hundreds of thousands of slices. Once you understand where the issue is on the timeline you can start selecting slices and our execution path feature will help you find the root cause of the problem.
Product Science at droidcon London
The Product Science team had a blast attending our first ever droidcon London. The event consisted of 1,392 participants and 2 days packed with demos and deep conversations on the future of mobile performance management in the mobile-first world.
Attending droidcon London was also our chance to get a pulse of the industry to learn about what problems exist and where our solution fits in. This is our team’s assessment of the approaches developers are taking towards performance optimization:
- Developers are utilizing the free tools that are given with their Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) but are struggling with using them effectively if at all.
- Developers use custom metrics which are not correlated with code-driven user flows. This results in them being able to see “what” is happening in their app but not “why.”
- Current tools don't help increase the speed of troubleshooting and only alert developers that problems exist. They do not specify where they are nor how to fix them.
- Especially lacking are no-code visual troubleshooting tools that QA teams can use.
All of this validates that we are on the right track as we help mobile-first businesses solve these crucial challenges.
This was our second droidcon conference (NYC and London 2022) and we want to extend a huge thank you to the organizers and everyone who stopped by. We’ve now had the chance between two droidcons to look many of hundreds of customers in the eye and see how they react, hear their questions, get our name out there, and bring the product to market.
We’re excited to continue to focus on meeting our customers and community face-to-face at events and hope to have many more recaps to share in the months to come.
Celebrating our customers
The reason we do what we do is to help mobile-first companies succeed and this month we have a big win to share. Congratulations to one of our earliest customers, Saturn - a time-based social network - for being featured in the prestigious The Information's 50 Most Promising Startups of 2022. We take this as yet another reminder of why prioritizing the mobile application performance early on helps companies avoid costly mistakes and focuses the team on what matters the most: user engagement, user experience, retention and growth.

That’s all for now. Stay tuned for more updates and please help us spread the Product Science story by sharing this update with colleagues and contacts.