Cloud is essential for businesses and has become a board level line item. Yet, not so secretly, 80% of executives say their Cloud costs are out of control. The early wins of cloud management solutions have been exhausted. Today, in order to get these costs under control, businesses must decide to either cut projects or reduce the quality of their output.
David Liberman, the co-founder of Product Science, talked about this while he introduced our latest innovation at Google Cloud Next 2024 - CodeTuner for Cloud.

CodeTuner for Cloud is the next generation of cloud cost optimization, focusing on the “source” of your cloud costs. CodeTuner provides a 3D view of all cloud events that contribute to your costs from the code level up all the way to the user session level.
During his live product launch, David Liberman posed the question:
“Processes and technologies have been developed to address this cloud cost problem, yet the problem persists, why? Because we are not addressing the issue at its source - the code. Until now, most of the cost management solutions provide visibility into resource usage, or recommend usage credits/promotions. You need to use your servers, you need this traffic, and you can not just cut it. So to make an optimization decision, those reports may not be enough. You need to see where exactly those optimizations can be made, and for that, you need to analyze cost from its source.”

We have found that current technologies attempting to correlate processes to applications or even users are highly inaccurate, resulting in little to no cost savings when implemented. The reason for this is they focus on direct event/method calls. Truly understanding the cost of your endpoints requires complete traceability of the transaction, which also surfaces indirectly triggered cloud events, uncovering “hidden” costs residing in the ripple effects of these previously unaccounted-for events.

So, if you only focus on those events directly related to the main endpoint being analyzed and don’t account for the indirect events being triggered, you’re likely missing what’s truly driving up your cloud costs, as David Liberman pointed out.

“The visualization of user sessions with our Trace Viewer allows you to contextualize method and server cost analysis, ensuring you make the right cost optimization decisions without negatively impacting user experience.”
To learn more about how CodeTuner can help to find the source of your Cloud costs and provide you with next-gen cloud cost management, contact us.